Monday, June 18, 2012

Long Haul .. overdue!

It's been 6 months since I posted and this morning I feel a new breath come over me! It's not that I haven't been breathing it's just that I haven't taken a deep breath in a while. So much daily living has gotten in my way ! Especially the struggles and the trials, caused by my own choices or even just the things that happen because they do. We all seem to follow into the flow of those things and get trapped in our own world. It's not that we set our goals to go there or even want to ride the wave, it's like the water pulls us in and we become part of the flow. It takes the rocks on the bottom bruising our behinds to get us to stand up and stop the drag. So often it's easier to ride than to stand up. The sensation of the rocks lessen with each bump and before you know it you do not even realize there are rocks in the water. Till one day the rock is a fortress and you smash..... Head first usually but none the less you crash! My river has been ridden with rocks for as long as I can remember, and I have hit bottom, stood up, hit bottom, and stood up for times that I care to count, but each time I have gained new strength, new perspective and still hit bottom... Guess it's how life is. But through it all I have not sunk, why you ask... By the Grace of God, not by anything I did !!!!!!!!! I still haven't gotten it right and I am working on 50 !! I am kind of sad when I think of all the rocks I have hit...and displaced!!

But in the same breath "I wouldn't trade nothing for my Journey now"..

I am dabbling in creating my own art. Loving ever minute of watching it become, just as I have with so many things in my life.