The Garden

The garden the middle of June

This week I have picked two large bowls of tomatoes, peppers and green beans.
Tomorrow I will can Hot Sauce !! It's been a great garden except for the squash and zucchini. That has not produced much. Watermelons are spreading out everywhere as is the cantaloupes too. The orka is starting to bloom and the beans are producing ever other day. The work is on !!

The Garden as of the end of May !
First Tomato ripe was a Cherokee Purple. They taste wonderful.
The are sweet and juicy. Amazing how much better a vine ripened tomato tastes.
Why don't we all grow our own?

Know my parents loved Jacksonville tomatoes. They loved them so much that if we went to the Dallas Farmers Market to get them and there were not any they were known to drive to Jacksonville to find some. Having both parents raised on farm fresh food was a good example for me. I have always tried to provide good quality produce for my children and they prefer home grown to store bought.