Monday, August 6, 2012

God's plan unfold's

This morning the plans that God has for John and I began to unfold much more rapidly !
It's been months of praying, trusting, waiting, even crying for answers. So when I see God unfold the plans I am brought to my knees with thanksgiving in my heart !

John was offered a job with the Corpus Christi Army Depot in July, but no date of start was set. And no funding for moving was being guaranteed. We began studying and learning, we made a weekend trip down and looked around and ask for God's guidance. I applied for a position with TAMU CC, thinking it takes for ever for the wheel to turn so we will probably be living there before I hear if I do (job market like it is).

During the week of the 23rd of July, I received a call to set up an interview by phone with TAMU CC.. It went well but the person interviewing me said "Hey, I think we have a position that would be better suited for you but we need you to come down". We knew we would have to go down to find a place to live so we set out for Corpus the next week. The interview went well, they would let me know in a couple of days. We spent the next two days looking for houses. Most in the price we felt we could afford without me working were not in very good shape or were so small. We found a house we really liked but were very scared to lease it because it was above what we felt comfortable. We finally settled on a house that would work for us and so on the morning we were to leave we set out to the real estate office. As we were in the travel mode the realtor we had worked with called to say that the owners didn't want a dog, so that meant we would have to find a home for cowgirl. Jaiden was devastated! But we knew we could work this out. When we arrived the manager meet with us, we explained what our situation was and how we really wanted the other house but felt we could not commit because the price was out of range without me having a job. She said why don't you go eat and get your deposit in order and I'll call you. When she called they owners had not only said dog's were okay, but they lowered the rent to what the other house was !! Praise GOD ! But I still didn't have a job.. No money to really move on.. So we keep praying but we had a house !

John had spoke with the base and they were trying to secure some sort of moving money for several people and he was on the list, but no answer as we looked for a house. We started planning for storing and moving only what was essential till we had saved enough to move the rest.

Good Morning Monday !! Wow the plan or plot thickens as they say... 9:15 am call from TAMU CC and I have been offered a job... YIPEE !!! Start date is the 20th, we do not get access to the house till the 17th.. We have a 9 to 10 hour drive moving belongings and set up enough house to go to work! However pray one answered and one to go.. oh, wait.. John calls at 10:30 am and CCAD will be giving him some money, still no amount or date but that will come by the end of this week or first of next week ! Pray two answered ! God has a plan, He has something for us to do in Corpus to bring Him Glory and I am all for it...

Still in a limbo but hanging on every moment because God is working and I want to shout !

Keep your eyes open and travel with us as we learn about Livin' on the Island so to speak, not quite Padre but 10 minutes to the ocean !

Monday, June 18, 2012

Long Haul .. overdue!

It's been 6 months since I posted and this morning I feel a new breath come over me! It's not that I haven't been breathing it's just that I haven't taken a deep breath in a while. So much daily living has gotten in my way ! Especially the struggles and the trials, caused by my own choices or even just the things that happen because they do. We all seem to follow into the flow of those things and get trapped in our own world. It's not that we set our goals to go there or even want to ride the wave, it's like the water pulls us in and we become part of the flow. It takes the rocks on the bottom bruising our behinds to get us to stand up and stop the drag. So often it's easier to ride than to stand up. The sensation of the rocks lessen with each bump and before you know it you do not even realize there are rocks in the water. Till one day the rock is a fortress and you smash..... Head first usually but none the less you crash! My river has been ridden with rocks for as long as I can remember, and I have hit bottom, stood up, hit bottom, and stood up for times that I care to count, but each time I have gained new strength, new perspective and still hit bottom... Guess it's how life is. But through it all I have not sunk, why you ask... By the Grace of God, not by anything I did !!!!!!!!! I still haven't gotten it right and I am working on 50 !! I am kind of sad when I think of all the rocks I have hit...and displaced!!

But in the same breath "I wouldn't trade nothing for my Journey now"..

I am dabbling in creating my own art. Loving ever minute of watching it become, just as I have with so many things in my life.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Simply Plain Living.. Only what you need

Welcome 2012 !! The year everyone is looking to live with less !! Not exactly what my I thought this year would be like. But Hey !! I am game !!! But I need a game plan !
So I am going to use this blog to start developing a game plan on how to spend less... If you know me then you know my biggest weakness..... Spending money on "Art" or "Craft" stuff !! So since it's the place I "waste" the most I will not start here... Why you ask? Because I would be defeated tomorrow !!!! Saying that I am going to put my passion as a priority on the list, but not as number one !.

Let's talk about some ways I have already cut costs in case you're new to this living with less idea.

Cleaning supplies!
Throw out any cleaning product you have that has more than 3 things you can not say.
Throw out any product in your house that has a Hazardous label on it, yes this means the BLEACH!
Throw out any cleaning product that is artificially fragrant.

Make your own non-toxic cleaning supplies!

Baking Soda:
visit: for ways to use and ways to save

Wal-Mart list's Arm and Hammer Baking Soda 4lb for $2.12, I know we buy the largest bag available for around $6.00 These large sizes are found where swimming pool supplies are located; yes you can use it in your pool and save money!

So exactly how does baking soda fit into my scheme to spend less? Baking soda, aka sodium bicarbonate, helps regulate pH… keeping a substance neither too acidic nor too alkaline. When baking soda comes in contact with either an acidic or an alkaline substance, its natural effect is to neutralize that pH. Beyond that, baking soda has the ability to retard further changes in the pH balance, known as buffering. This dual capability of neutralizing and buffering allows baking soda to do things such as neutralize acidic odors (like in the refrigerator) as well as maintain neutral pH (like in your laundry water, which helps boost your detergent’s power). It’s a simple reaction, but one that has far-reaching effects for a number of cleaning and deodorizing tasks.

Baking soda also makes an excellent replacement for many personal care products, which are also adding to the list of toxic pollutants and personal health destroyers (mainly in the form of synthetic fragrance, sodium laurel sulfate, and parabens). Almost all fragrance ingredients are synthetic.

There are over 101 ways to use Baking Soda, but my personal favorites are:

Greasy pans - sprinkle and let sit for a few and wipe off... No need to scrub!!
2. Scouring powder - cleans sinks, tubs and toilets as well as the tub and shower
3. Tooth Paste additive - Yes, add it to your toothpaste and see how it cleans your teeth (or buy toothpaste with it in it)
4. Face Wash!! I use it as a micro abrasion cleanser. I add a little to my daily cleanser and wha la!!
5. Shampoo!! It removes hair spray build up!! Use it alone or add to your shampoo.

White distilled vinegar runs about $3.00 for a gallon and there are over 101 uses for it too and here are just a few:

1. Smell Killer! Even though it smells it's a great way to reduce the odor of foods and smoke in your house.
The smell of vinegar dissipates in about 10 minutes but it continues to reduce odor
2. Reduces grease in taco meat. I don't know if this a published fact but I have a recipe that adds 1/2 tsp of vinegar towards the end of the cooking time for taco meat and it enriches the flavor and reduces the grease from the ground meat, so give it a try!
3. Fabric softener and rise. Replace the downy with vinegar it cuts the soap residue in your wash and leaves your clothes soft. If you hang them out on the line it reduces the stiffness that comes with nice clean and refreshing line dried clothes!
4. Hair Rinse! Either white or apple cider vinegar makes a great rinse for your hair and makes it soft.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved hydrogen peroxide as a sanitizer. Even though there are many good ways to use this in your body, and technically it won't kill you, please be advised that it will kill bacteria and can damage cells... It is a SANITIZER! Just as with any sanitizer use sparingly to avoid kill GOOD Bacteria.

1. Kitchen Use:
Add to wash water, dishwasher for disinfecting, clean counters and the refrigerator.
2. Bathroom Use:
Toilet Bowl cleaner, tub/shower, and counters. Can be used to clean toothbrushes.
3. Fungus/Boils and other medicinal purposes. Again use caution but will handle these situations

Liquid Soap:
This requires the realization of product ingredients. Many soaps have chemicals with names we can not pronounce, let alone know what they are. I personally like to use Dr. Bonner's Liquid castile soap. It is an all-natural type of soap that can be purchased from a retailer. This soap is not the cheapest product but it is worth every penny. Living with less doesn't mean to live without quality.
For more information, visit their site:

You can make your own out using good grade of Olive Oil and a soap making process. Liquid castile soap is suitable for cleaning dishes in a dishwasher and is a safe alternative to chemically based soaps. However, DO NOT use regular liquid soap in this recipe or any type of soap that isn't castile soap. Regular soap foams in the dishwasher and may break or damage the dishwasher.

1. 1/2 cup soap, 1/2 water, 1/2 cup vinegar and 1 tsp of lemon juice makes a great dishwasher soap
2. Can be used for liquid bath soap as well. I mix it with a little water to stretch it out.
3. One part soap to 40 parts water for general household cleaning
4. 1/3 to 1/4 cup for laundry (might not be as cheap as other alternatives but it works great)